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Be Remarkable exemplifies Salem’s commitment to providing women a remarkable liberal arts education with a distinctive focus on 健康的领导. Our Salem graduates understand the power, importance, and complexity of health in our society.

Meet Alex

对亚历克斯·拜尔斯来说,澳门永利总站官方登录是一种生活方式. 从在温斯顿-澳门永利总站官方登录长大到就读澳门永利总站官方登录学院和大学, 澳门永利总站官方登录对拜尔斯生活的影响是她永远不会忘记的. Since 2016, she has embarked on an incredible journey at Salem that’s taught her to think critically, 做一个无畏的领导者, 建立经得起时间考验的持久友谊. 

每周二, 将会有另一个关于一个杰出学生的故事, alumna, 本页所列的教职员工. 一定要订阅澳门永利总站官方登录学院的 YouTube频道 以便在新的Be Remarkable视频发布时收到通知.

Meet Scarlett

Scarlett Urbaez is a double-major at Salem College and taking advantage of the unique health and humanitarian systems major as well as our public health major. She advocates for others to use their voice and wants to be a humanitarian that helps people through health advocacy policy.

Meet Cadence

Cadence Durham is a sophomore at Salem College and studying health sciences while minoring in studio art. Cadence is a key part of the Salem tennis team and is part of the Salem Scholars program which has given her academic opportunities beyond her wildest imagination.

Meet Isabel

Isabel Scott is a senior at Salem College double-majoring in business and psychology and she has become an impactful leader during her time at Salem. 她充分利用了小学校的氛围和它所创造的机会, 是什么让她成为了SGA的主席, 舞蹈公司司库, 扶轮青年服务团副社长及学校足球队队长. She plans to use the skills she gained at Salem College to be a leader in the business world after graduation.

Meet Alysa

Alysa Thombs is a sophomore at Salem College and is a double-major in public health and health science with a minor in nutrition. After leaving her home life in Virginia, Alysa found a new kind of family and home at Salem College.

Meet Ashlynn

Ashlynn is Salem’s director of student engagement and through her own experiences as a college student and working with many diverse students during her career in student life, she is a guiding example of how to embrace opportunities and allow them to positively shape a clear set of values and a rewarding future in leadership.

Meet Alisa

Alisa Alexander is a health sciences major entering her final semester at Salem College before she begins optometry school. She credits her time at Salem with helping her find her new career path and to be ready to pursue it. 艾丽莎回忆了她在澳门永利总站官方登录的时光,以及一路上帮助过她的教授们.

Meet Jamila

在她上幼儿园的第一天, Professor Jamila Young’s father dropped her off and told her to ‘leave no stone unturned.多年来, her parents encouraged her that she could be anything she wanted and she did just that. 从她在奥尔巴尼的童年时代开始, 直到现在, 她发现了自己对学习的热爱和对世界产生影响的动力. Her natural curiosity and zest for leadership led her to becoming an assistant professor of health law and policy at Salem College.

Meet Sarah

现就读于澳门永利总站官方登录学院主修 sociology 专攻犯罪学, 莎拉·林巴赫梦想成为下一任美国总统. 她在……找到了家 Salem College where she feels empowered by her friends and enriched by the opportunities that a place like Salem has given her. Sarah’s aspirations to attend law school will pave a path for her to become a politician and serve in the country’s highest offices. Her Salem experience will shape her journey into politics due to the unforgettable experiences and bonds she has formed here.

Meet Erica

这是埃里卡·谢泼德-德布南, whose journey from Salem to her current role as an Ambulatory Clinical Pharmacist at Children’s National Hospital in D.C. 证明了澳门永利总站官方登录的变革力量.

Meet Sydney

作为澳门永利总站官方登录学院新生介绍会和一年级活动协调员, 西德尼·鲍恩明白,第一印象会影响一生. In her role, Sydney ensures first-year college students experience a smooth transition into college life, 这是学生长期成功的关键举措.

Meet Janice

Dr. Janice Jett, assistant professor and program director at Salem College, is a beacon of inspiration! Her journey from a gifted student to leading Salem’s Master of Educational Leadership program is truly remarkable. 他对教育充满热情,并致力于培养杰出的领导者. 杰特的影响深远.

Meet Breshaun

温斯顿-澳门永利总站官方登录本地人, Breshaun Liles大部分时间都在寻找帮助他人的方法, 无论是在他的教堂做志愿者, 给高中生做篮球教练, 或者在澳门永利总站官方登录学院指导学生. His heart of gold and boundless generosity inspires the hearts and minds of everyone who crosses his path. Breshaun’s strong faith and humble passion for helping others shines through his life’s mission.


Salem College and REACH Women’s Network joined forces for an inspiring mentoring program, 将澳门永利总站官方登录的学生与REACH的多元化导师联系起来. 由REACH联合主席Iris Cole和Julia Townsend领导, 该项目侧重于磨练技能, networking, 培养职业清晰度. 学员参加有吸引力的活动, 包括目标设定, 优势评估, 快速联网.

Meet Juyoung

Juyoung Shin C’16 was born and grew up in a small port city called Gunsan in Korea until her family moved to the United States when Juyoung was in middle school. 在美国的大部分时间里,她都住在北卡罗来纳州的三角地区. 在上了一所很大的高中之后, Juyoung knew that she wanted to go to a smaller college where she could get to know everyone and become a vital part of the community.

Meet Amber & Emily

多亏了这段非凡的合作关系, Salem College’s counseling services and health services are both operated by Novant Health. 这个合资企业为……创造了机会 Amber Kelley咨询服务主任,以及 艾米丽·布朗·斯明格勒, 高级实践提供者, to care for students’ physical and mental health while utilizing the resources of Novant Health, 全国领先的医疗保健提供者之一. This truly remarkable collaboration benefits the current and future health of our Salem College students.


Be Remarkable represents our outstanding Salem students who aspire to be leaders and change the world and honors the accomplished, impactful, 以及自1772年至今投身于澳门永利总站官方登录之旅的忠诚校友. Our campaign acknowledges the passion of our faculty and staff who make transformative educational experiences accessible for all and affirms our commitment to educating competent, confident, 勇敢的澳门永利官方首页登录领袖.
